Archive Mode. Call Art in the Pandemic ended on 8/14/21, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Art in the Pandemic


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"Little Visitor" Paper Burning Art
"Little Visitor" Paper Burning Art
Sazimet Agardici

State: New York

"The Horse" Paper Burning Art
"The Horse" Paper Burning Art
Sazimet Agardici

State: New York

Benjamin Allen

State: NY

ReHumaning 2
ReHumaning 2
Benjamin Allen

State: NY

Dimensions: 8 x 11 x 1
Attachment III
Attachment III
Jamal AlYousif

State: Bahrain

Attachment III
Attachment III
Jamal AlYousif

State: Bahrain

Endangered Animals
Endangered Animals
Deborah Beck

State: NY

Spring Fever
Spring Fever
Charlotte Berwind

State: NY

Dimensions: 35 x 24 x 2
Sunset before the storm
Sunset before the storm
Angelina Boiko

State: NY

Lilac bouquet
Lilac bouquet
Angelina Boiko

State: NY

The Fear of the Virus
The Fear of the Virus
Jeannie Brunton

State: Ny

The Edge
The Edge
Jeannie Brunton

State: Ny

Mexican Girl
Mexican Girl
Liz Crimi Olsson

State: NY

Fayum Mummy Portrait of Roman-Egyptian Woman
Fayum Mummy Portrait of Roman-Egyptian Woman
Liz Crimi Olsson

State: NY

All That Matters
All That Matters
Lisa D'Amico

State: New York

Lisa D'Amico

State: New York

Sunset at the Beach
Sunset at the Beach
Jane DelBianco

State: NY

Melody Through the Trees
Melody Through the Trees
Jane DelBianco

State: NY

It Takes a Village
It Takes a Village
Sue DeMarzo

State: NY

Sleeping Tiger Cub
Sleeping Tiger Cub
Vicki DiCairano

State: New York

Page 1 of 5, showing 20 records out of 84 total, starting on record 1, ending on 20